Submission Guidelines and Evaluation Criteria

Submission: You will be provided with a Moodle link and registration number to submit your work from Dec 14. Details on how to submit will also be sent. The total attachments should be capped at a max of 100 MB per team.

The submission is a two-step process (a) submit map/maps and (b) submit a one-page document about your map. Both can be combined in one page as given in the example here.

    a) Map submission:

    1. For your problem statement, access relevant ISRO data (for help you can view the videos on accessing ISRO data, also available in Resources).
    2. Make the maps for your study area (study area boundaries can be accessed from our database in Resources).
    3. If you have any questions on using GIS you may refer to our basic materials here or use any other open source software materials.
    4. While preparing the maps:
      • Make sure to add a title to the map.
      • Make sure to add legends to the map along with North arrow.
      • Make sure to add your details on the map (e.g. like in a text box).
    5. Since we will be archiving and promoting these maps for public use in FOSSEE and RuDRA, please add details so that  anyone interested may contact you  regarding  the map (e.g. email, name). This will give more visibility to your work.
    6. You can submit any number of maps, as long as your total submission is within 100 MB.
    7. Please submit your maps in JPG or PDF format only.

    b) One page document:

    1. Please add a paragraph on the methodology (which can include, but not limited to):
      • Mention the ISRO data used.
      • Specific steps in GIS.
      • Complexities, if any involved.
    2. Please add a paragraph on the application and use of these maps.

A model submission can be obtained here, and you can find the same template here.


  • Please note that you can submit and edit your submission until the last date of Submission (i.e. December 31, 2020).
  • If you have not received a registration number/link, send us an email with your registration details to mapathon[at]fossee[dot]in

Evaluation Criteria

Evaluation: The maps will be evaluated for 100 marks on the following criteria:

  • Methodology/ ISRO data/ GIS steps/ Complexity used (60 marks).
  • Potential application of the map (40 marks).